"A smoothie a day keeps bad vibes away"
Smoothies are an increasingly favoured wellness trend and frequently marketed as a health food & superfood.
Smoothies are popularly consumed for breakfasts. It is one of the easiest ways to sneak veggies and fruits into one single breakfast.
Smoothies are versatile, family-friendly, modifiable to any taste according to your preference.
Smoothies are thick, creamy, milkshake-like beverages blended with puréed fruits, vegetables, juices, nuts, and/or dairy, non-dairy milk.
The most basic smoothie starts with two ingredients- a base and a liquid. The base can be any fruit or vegetable and liquid depends on your preference like a juice or milk.
Depending on your preference, you can include any ingredient in your smoothie, literally anything.
Fruits- Pineapple, berries, bananas, mango
Vegetables- Spinach, kale, avocado, cucumber, beetroot
Liquid- Water, different types of milk, fruit juices, coconut water
Sweeteners- Honey, maple syrup, sugar, ice cream, sugar syrup
Nutritional Supplements- Protein powder, matcha powder, powdered vitamin and mineral supplements
To read more about matcha, go to https://thefoodstuffdiary.wixsite.com/website/post/matcha !!!
Others- Cottage cheese, soaked oats, yoghurt, cocoa powder, flax seeds
There are 2 to 3 types of smoothies known popularly,
1. Fruit smoothie- as the name suggests, a single or multiple fruit base is added and blended with milk or water.
2. Green smoothie-Green smoothies entirely consist of green leafy vegetables and fruit (for sweetness), and are blended with milk or water. These smoothies have a larger amount of vegetables than your normal smoothie
3. Protein smoothie- The base of this smoothie is one fruit and vegetable and a large portion of a protein like Greek yoghurt or cottage cheese or even protein powder.