We've heard every excuse in the book for skipping breakfast whether it's waking up late or taking forever to get dressed! Breakfast on weekdays can be a very serious and hectic challenge. No one likes to spare half hour in the morning where a person half asleep to make some breakfast!
But breakfast does not do any harm to your body and is considered as the most important meal of the day. Let's look at some quick 5-minute breakfast ideas-
Instant oats have become very popular nowadays. Making breakfast is a no brainer with Instant Oats! These oats come in different flavors. To prepare instant oats, all you need to do is heat up some water in a pan, add oats and let it cook for 2 mins. You're ready to go for the day!
Sandwiches are consumed in almost every Indian household! Making a sandwich is the easiest thing ever! All you need to do is take two slices of bread, spread some butter on both sides, add cheese, veggies, and sauces of your choice. This sandwich will keep your tummy full until lunchtime!
Throw in any leafy vegetable you have at home, plus some fruit and some milk or water. Blend all of this together and you have your smoothie ready! Smoothies are even easier to make because it does not require any kind of pre-preparation. You can even make a smoothie and drink it on your way to work! It is an easy, healthy, and super fast breakfast option!
To know more about smoothies, read my blog on smoothies- https://thefoodstuffdiary.wixsite.com/website/post/smooth-it-with-smoothies
There's a reason why avocado is super popular- it's loaded with healthy fats, it's delicious and it's quick! It takes literally 2 minutes to prepare an avocado toast. The biggest advantage is that Avocado Toast is highly customizable. Just take a toast, add sauces of your choice and top it with avocados! Once you're done with that, you're good to go!
Don't have time to whip up an omelet? Scrambled eggs to the rescue! All you need to do is, heat the pan, crack an egg into the bowl, add some spices, and mix it. Pour your eggs into the pan and mix it gently. Voila, your scrambled eggs are ready!
The bottom line-
Eating well is important, and starting the day off on the right foot starts with eating something good.
There’s only one solution to making that happen: finding the easiest breakfast recipes on the planet. If you have just five minutes - and come on, we know you do!! You can make a homemade breakfast to fill your belly and fuel your body.
I hope we did help you to find some easy and quick breakfast ideas!
(I don't own any of these images, all the rights go to the respective owner)